Monday 8 October 2012

Assignment #1 Part 2


Reviewing the glossary provided by Riedling has proven to be a very good review of terms.  It makes me think of how often I don't use proper terms with my students in all subject areas.  I often find myself using definitions of terms rather than the actual term since technical terms are often lost on my primary audience.  However, it reminds me how important it really is to use proper terms.  This is also important so that if a student travels from one teacher to another, we are all speaking the same language.  I can't think of anything more confusing for a student than to understand a concept but think they don't because they don't recognize the term being used.  I was appreciative of some of the other T/L students reflecting on terms that were confusing because many of them are teaching in a high school environment and they have direct experience using these technical terms and would be providing feedback to our group based on personal experience with students.   This forced me to review my own practice and consider how often I use the technical term for many things (like in math), and realize it needs to be how I always teach.

I can't help but think of this library language as a whole new language in which to be immersed.  When one is new to a country or a culture, one of the first things to learn is the language so that you can "get by" in day to day living.  If one doesn't understand the language, communication and understanding are very hard to master.  As an elementary school teacher, I need to begin speaking this language with even the youngest students as it is only with use and practice, that they will master the language of the library.  This also carries into all other subjects, to become masters students must be exposed to proper terms as early as possible. 

Research Models

Research models are not something that was on my radar previous to this course, at least not in such formal terms.  I have always conducted research with my students but have never considered that there was an actual research model that I should be following.  I was pleasantly surprised that although I was not following an actual model, I was really teaching in line with the Big6 Model.  I really liked how this model has limited steps (6) and is very user friendly.  As an elementary teacher librarian, I have find that some models of research are better suited to the high school student.

I find that one of the benefits of these courses is that in reading other student's posts, I do not have to read every type of research model as others read different ones and I can gain a great deal of understanding from other students reviews.  Rachel made the comment that all the models look pretty good and as long as staff comes to a consensus about which model to use, that is the largest part of the battle. 

I can see this as my role in our school, to present two or three research models and have a professional discussion about each.  When consensus is reached, we as a staff share a common guideline for research and a common language with which to build student learning.  We will all be using the same model, the same language, the same criteria and regardless of what model we choose to follow, this consensus will create better research from our students.  I am beginning to see even more than in the past, the great importance of consistency across the grades in terms of expectations and language.  Perhaps I will add this to the agenda the next time we have whole school collaboration.

Riedling's Approach

We have now come to the reviewing of reference material.  Riedling seems to have a different set of criteria for reviewing different types of reference material and while this is probably the best case scenario, it is extremely time consuming.  In an ideal world, we would be able to spend quality time reviewing resources as per Riedling's suggestions and after thorough evaluation, make a decision about each resource.  However, as many teacher librarians are not full time and even if they are, don't often have time in the time table set aside to review materials, time is a prohibiting factor in thoroughly reviewing material.  I think that a reminder of criteria for review is great to make sure you are on the right track when picking new material but is a bit tedious to review for each piece of reference material you may look at.  I also think that money has a bit to do with this.  I would be much more in depth with my review of a five hundred dollar resource than a twenty five dollar resource.  To me, it is a simple equation of my time versus money paid for the resource.

Several students have made the point about personal bias when it comes to reviewing material.  I never really think about personal bias.  I suppose it is true that bias can taint the materials in a library but I think more so in the areas of fiction.  It is hard for bias to influence non-fiction resources because fact is fact.  Decisions, in my opinion, often come down to the readability and layout of a book and the amount of factual material presented.  I am much more conscious of my personal bias when it comes to types of fiction literature to include in my school's library collection.

Print and/or Electronic Resources

This is a particularly pertinent discussion for me right now as I have a principal who is very pro electronic resources and very anti print resources.  He feels that the way of the world is in electronic media and that this should be the focus for purchasing for our library.  In many ways, I agree with him.  The information provided in electronic format is often more up to date than many print resources in our library.  There is also something to be said for learning how to navigate these electronic resources to find the best information possible.  This is a life skill today, being able to wade through the muck to find the value.  We should be teaching our students how to decipher quality amongst the advertisements, political slants and personal bias present in so much of the material available today.

However, there is something to be said for not having to rely on the network to work on demand, the computers to not be too slow to be valuable and students having to crowd around one screen when there is not enough technology available for everyone to be using it at the same time.  It is often as easy or easier to be able to pull a book off the shelf and use the material in print as it is to access electronic resources. 

Again, I feel this is an "in an ideal world" discussion.  I don't doubt that in an ideal world, electronic resources would be the best bet for students.  However, my reality is not always so ideal.  It is my goal, in working with my principal, to slowly move our collection to a more electronic format, provide teachers with appropriate training to use these electronic resources, and provide students with the resources that will make them better twenty first century learners.  I would like to make this the focus of my professional development time over the next couple of years to better understand what is available and of benefit to the students in my school.


Sunday 30 September 2012

Journal Article Summaries and Reviews

Article #1

Going Mobile:  Key issues to consider for schools weighing BYOD

This article reviews several issues to consider as some school districts begin to consider moving to a bring your own device mentality rather than an all devices banned mentality.  This article looks at five key points to be considered if you are at all considering the BYOD model.  The first point is that while new technologies are being utilized by students at no cost to the district for the devices, there will still be additional costs to districts for items such as network improvements, teacher training and managing lost, stolen or damaged property.  The second point to consider is that while many students will have devices to bring, what about the students that don't and if the district is paying for these students, will what the district purchases actually be comparable to what the other students are bringing in.  The third point addressed in the article is the idea that this may be the first step in totally changing the look of the classroom.  The author points out that Steve Jobs described the iPad as better suited to use in an easy chair so does this mean the end to traditional desks in the classroom?  The fourth point is that standards assignments would now become obsolete and finally, one must understand that technology won't necessarily make kids any smarter unless the devices are used to their full potential.

This is a very interesting article for me in that I feel that technology is often the big push without really evaluating the long term effects and responsibilities for all stakeholders involved.  I appreciate that someone has considered long term and perhaps more wide spread implications of a BYOD model.  I am in agreement with the first point, largely because I think that teachers are not well trained in the newest technologies and should not be expected to teach using these tools without proper training.  I also agree with the second point about considering if districts are willing or even able to provide comparable technologies for students who do not have the means to provide such a device.  With how fast technology is changing, I can't see how districts could possibly keep up with the latest devices.  I have to take issue with points three and four.  I think it is a real stretch to go from iPads in the classroom to removing desks and replacing them with couches.  In my view, one has nothing to do with the other and each decision made for a classroom should and will continue to be seriously considered before being implemented.  I also think that while many past assignments may become obsolete, it is good practice to constantly be reviewing, adapting and modifying all lessons and assignments and that no lesson or assignment is ever static so changes made for technology should not be an issue.  Lastly, I believe that gadgets do not make the student smarter but perhaps make them better able to adapt in an ever increasingly technologically savvy world.  

Article #2

The Evolution of a 1:1 iPad Program

This article provides an overview of an iPad pilot project at Westlake High School.  This school made the decision to provide all grade 11's and 12's with their own iPads to study if this technology was beneficial to learning.  Teachers in this school were provided with an iPad to use over the summer and professional development training days to encourage staff understanding of this technology and to have staff competent with the iPad before they were given to students.  The students were able to personalize their iPads as this was seen to be the most beneficial way of implementing iPads versus an iPad cart that students shared.  Students and staff were able to communicate and provide feedback on projects and assignments via the internet and students were able to transform their projects in ways such as creating video responses and projects.  Another benefit was seen with apps that were used with the special needs students.  These students were better able to meet expectations with the help of technology to adapt the way learning takes place.  The final benefit that was highlighted in the pilot project was that students were better able to manage distractions both at home and at school because they had the experience with iPads in their high school environment.  This seems to have had a beneficial effect on students as they entered the university world.   

The student satisfaction survey posted results that were very high, in the eighty percent and higher range.  Taking into account the success of this program, the article states that they are now looking into putting iPads into middle and elementary schools.  I have great doubts that the results would be replicated in an elementary school.  While there would be some positive application of the iPad, many of the examples provided in the article are just not transferrable to an elementary setting.  There are also other issues that were not addressed in this case study.  While the students were all provided with an iPad, avoiding the issue of socioeconomic status, the article did state that most of the students at this high school were expected to go on to university.  I am wondering about the effect an iPad project would have on an inner city school, if any, where students may not carry on to university education and perhaps may never have access to an iPad after high school.  Would the iPad enhance their learning enough to be a worthwhile investment?  I also question the IT support that would be necessary for such a project as well as cost incurred for damaged, lost or stolen iPads.  While this was a successful project for this school, I am not sure that the benefits would transfer to schools across the country.

Article #3


This article outlines an initiative to get iPads into the hands of grade 9 students.  This article speaks to the creation and implementation of a great deal of policy as to the process of using the iPads in the school.  This school actually had all students enrolled in the grade 9 class take a 6 week course on digital citizenship, communication and apps as part of their being able to use this technology.  Part of the benefit of assigning the iPads to the students was a green philosophy that encouraged the students to go paperless with their education.  Students and teachers were able to communicate, hand in assignments and assess in a paperless format.  The next step that is being pursued by the school is to talk to text book publishers and to go to an online format of the school textbooks, creating an even more "green" community of learners.  The entire staff also stresses respect and responsibility and in the first month, only one iPad had been damaged. 

While this article states that they spent a lot of time establishing rules and guidelines for this project, it doesn't go in to any detail.  I would be curious to know what kinds of safeguards are in place for students and staff under such an initiative.  The thought keeps plaguing me as I read of these technologies in the hands of every student initiatives is how one can possibly guarantee privacy rights are being maintained when at just the click of a button, any video or audio clip can be posted to the internet.  Once something is posted it is next to impossible to remove it so even if there were some repercussions for the student, sever damage could be done to the reputation of either students or staff.  I am curious to know if programs such as there would actually increase the frequency of cyber bullying over time.  While I see that there could be many benefits to the increase in technology in the classroom, I can also see how the small minority could cause major problems should they choose to use technology in a negative manner.


Cohen, Sydney.  "A 1:1 iPad Initiative-Vision to Reality."  Library Media Connection     (May/June 2012): 14-16.Print

Foote, Carolyn.  "The Evolution of a 1:1 iPad Program."  Internet@Schools    (January/February 2012):  15-18.  Print.

Harris, Christopher.  "Going Mobile:  Key issues to consider for schools weighing BYOD."  School Library Journal (January 2012):  14. Print.